Psycho Foxx

Psycho Foxx is a girl, who's had a twisted past. She's known for her unusual tendrils or pink clothing and hair. She may look innocent, but she's sure not.
Psycho Foxx's appearance consists of mostly the colors pink, and white. Her hair is a light pink, and is also short. As for her eyes, her left one is gold, while her right one is black with a white pupil. As for her clothes, she has a sort-of puffy button-up white top with a red bow, and a flowy pink skirt with straps. She also has conductor-like gloves with frizzy pink rims. She also has pink and white striped socks that go above her knees, black strap shoes, pink fox ears with a fluffy tail to match, and red cheeks.
Behavior Edit
Psycho Foxx is usually pretty calm. She is cheery and happy, although if you anger her, she will go into Phantom Form. But that's only if you get her very angry. She reluctantly causes pain if someone is not following orders. She is very sensitive, though.
Story Edit
It was a normal day for the Kitsune family. Little Mangle was playing outside in the grass, with her sister, Jordan. They were having the best of times, until their father called them in. You see, Steve Kitsune, their father, is most of the time drunk. He hurts Maria Kitsune, their mother and his wife, and the two girls.
So, when they got inside, Mangle got slapped. Because of the impact, she fell. Her sister helped her up and glared at Steve, only for her to get kicked. "Jordan!" Little Mangle called out. She tried to help her up, but Steve only picked her up and threw her onto the glass table, causing it to shatter.
Maria came down and saw the sight; Her daughters, Jordan on the floor, and Mangle on the ground, bleeding, with glass shards around her. Maria gasped in shock. Steve stumbled over to Maria and slapped her. "S-Steve please..."Maria begged, starting to tear up. Steve ignored her and kicked her to the ground. He kicked her repeatedly, until she coughed up blood Steve told Maria to stay there, while he went to the kitchen to grab a knife. Mangle and Jordan got up and protected Maria. "NO!" The girls screamed.
Steve only pushed the girls away, and stabbed Maria 'till she died. Before she dies, she told the girls, "B-be str-ong..m-my g-gi-girls..." With a smile and tears streaming down her face. The girls sobbed while Steve cleaned the mess up. "You little brats tell anyone and I'll do the same to you!" Steve yelled with a nasty glare. The girls nodded fearfully and ran up to their shared room.
-Years Later-
It's been many years, Mangle is now 16 while Jordan 18. The girls still share a room, and Steve has been more abusive. For example; He raped both girls. He is a horrible man, none the less. The girls are bullied and are depressed because of all this. One day, Steve came up with a horrible plan. Since tomorrow's Mangle's birthday, he planned a 'surprise'. He plans to acts 'nice' and trick Mangle into going with him to a surprise place, which happens to be a lab. Yes, he plans on giving her up as a science experiment.
"Mangle honey~! Come here! We're going to a special place for your birthday!" Steve says 'nicely'. His actions surprised Mangle but she agreed anyway. Steve put a blind fold on Mangle and helped her into the car. He drove off to the lab, where Mangle would stay. He arrived and lead Mangle in. "Is this her?" Mangle hears, which confuses her.
"Ya. Now take the little bitch!" Steve says rudely, and throws Mangle into a scientist. She takes her blind fold of and gasps. She's in a room, with a single white bed, nothing more. A scientist comes in. "Don't worry experiment #2598, we're going to take great care of you." He says. Mangle freaks out, as scientists drag to an operation room.
-A Few Years Later-
It's been 7 years. Mangle has been experimented on for 7 years. The scientists have done horrible things to her. Example; They've injected things into her, and even did sexual things. It has been horrible. But today, Mangle plans to escape..
Mangle runs out of the laboratory, covered In blood. Why? Well, she killed the scientists and escaped. She runs to the forest, where she finds and old mansion. She fixes it up and decides to live there. Her new killer life as Psycho Foxx, starts now..
Facts Edit
~Psycho Foxx is the leader of a Creepypasta group called, The Pack